Spelling and Grammar


Our intent at Grove Lea Primary School is to follow the National Curriculum requirements for the teaching of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG). SPaG is taught throughout school, in Years 1-6 in accordance with the National Curriculum.

To achieve these requirements, we follow the progression grids and curriculum overviews that map out what is expected of each year group in order for SPaG to be taught coherently and enabling a deep foundation of ‘Know More, Remember More’ as the children move throughout school. We ensure that SPaG rules are taught throughout all areas of learning and in a way that enables all children to make progress. We believe that the learning of and mastery of a high level of Standard English is vitally important to enable our children to have the best start to their educational journey.


Through high quality language teaching and learning, children will be able to progress with their speaking, listening and writing skills.

Vocabulary is an intrinsic part of the curriculum and each classroom promotes a high level of vocabulary for each subject that is displayed clearly and usefully for the children to access; these words are Tier 3, ‘subject specific’ words that the children will learn during their subjects. At Grove Lea, we also promote the use of Tier 2 words (everyday words that we must be able to use and understand) in both our speech when we talk to the children, and through learning, which can be applied across the whole of the curriculum e.g. ‘examine,’ ‘apply’ and ‘research.’ As a school, we have introduced a ‘Word of the Month’ that introduces new vocabulary to the children across Years 1-6, which they can then apply to their speech, reading and writing.

Grammar and punctuation taught within Literacy lessons, where children can then apply what they have learnt to their work. The grammar specific vocabulary for each year group, linked to the year group objectives, is displayed clearly in each classroom on the Literacy working walls. These SPaG activities in lesson are taught in a variety of ways that enables all children to learn in the best way for them; a mix of practical activities, written tasks and partner discussions. Grammar and punctuation are also heavily reinforced through our marking policy by all adults – children then polish their work to correct their mistakes to further enable the mastery of this.

Spelling lessons are taught discretely in the weekly timetable, and also through Literacy lessons. As a school, we follow the No Nonsense Spelling Programme, whereby children learn spelling rules that they then can apply to their spelling further. Children in Key Stage 1 also learn high frequency words, common exception words and rules. Each classroom has the Statutory Spelling List for the year group. In Key Stage 2, we also have weekly spelling intervention where every child will reinforce and fill gaps in their spelling knowledge, or have smaller group intervention in spelling if they should need it. This way we can ensure that every child has a strong foundation with which they can use in their spelling across all areas of the curriculum.


At Grove Lea, we want to ensure that our children have the best outcomes in every aspect of learning and that every child fulfils their potential. By the end of Key Stage 2, children are assessed in their SPaG knowledge in the SATs, and through the mastery and application of it in their writing. As a school, we aim for more children to reach expected standard in this area in order for the children to have a strong start to their further educational journey. We want the children to articulate their knowledge and contribute to their own learning through dedicated pupil voice. Raising children’s expectations of themselves and their knowledge and use of vocabulary is a school-wide goal, which will continue to help the children in all areas of their lives.